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Re: auto sm, smaart live

Mensaje publicado por ignacio sanchez el Septiembre 12, 2005 a las 10:10:44:

En respuesta a: auto sm, smaart live publicado por josep ferrer garcés el Septiembre 12, 2005 a las 09:52:39:

hola mira esto biene en el mismo smart y trata sobre Automatic Delay Locator

SmaartLive automatic delay locator finds the time offset (delay) between two input signals by measuring the impulse response of the device or system under test. This measurement can be performed interactively in Impulse mode or automatically in Spectrum or Transfer Function modes. The physical measurement setup for delay measurements is identical to the setup used for Transfer Function measurements, requiring both a reference (source) signal and a measurement (return) signal.

The Delay Auto-Locator is activated by clicking the Auto Sm (Delay Auto-Locate Small) or Auto Lg (Delay Auto-Locate Large) buttons below the delay readout in the lower right of the SmaartLive program window. The small and large options refer to the time window used in the measurement routine. The reason there are two different options is that the dual-FFT impulse response measurement technique SmaartLive uses to find delay times is very sensitive to the decay time of the system being measured. It is essential that the time window used in the measurement be large relative to the decay time of the room/system under test.

The default settings for the small and large Delay Auto-Locator options yield time windows of approximately 300 milliseconds and 3 full seconds respectively. The default small window is appropriate for measuring delays through electronic devices or acoustic (microphone) measurements in small to medium sized rooms. The default large window should be sufficient for acoustic measurements in medium to large sized rooms but may need to be increased for measurements in very large and/or reverberant spaces. The size of the small and large time window presets is determined by the sampling rate and FFT sizes selected for each on the Impulse/Locator tab of the Options dialog box.

The automatic delay locator is mainly intended for use in finding and compensating for the time offset between the reference and measurement signals in Transfer Function measurements (although it can certainly be used for other purposes). After the Auto Small or Auto Large routines run, a dialog box pops up to allow you to set internal signal delay for the reference channel to the delay time found. This dialog box also shows you the absolute polarity of the impulse response. The polarity of the impulse response can be useful for determining the polarity of a single driver but may be misleading when measuring multi-driver boxes.

y basicamente este texto t dice que sirve para medir el tiempo de propagacion del sonido desde la bcina amedir asta la distancia de donde este el microfono d medicion y tu al accionarlo por ende localisa este tiempo y se debe insertar pues deben d tener las señales de medicion para realizar la funcion d transferencia el mismo tiempo d origen para que nuestras nediciones sean bien hechas

ok suerte y saludos



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